Reminder: Mandatory Client update to v.1.3.2 – Hardfork at 96000 (in 25 blocks)



Important reminder:  Mandatory Update to v.1.3.2. – Hardfork at Block 96,000 (25 blocks away)


There is a mandatory update for Bitcoin sCrypt to version 1.3.2 for a hard-fork at Block 96000 to change the difficulty algo and address the Heartbleed vulnerability.

All clients must update or risk losing coins!

Under the new difficulty algo regime, the difficulty will adjust once every 2520 blocks.  Thus, with 2 minute blocks the difficulty should adjust once every 3.5 days.  After this new algo takes effect, we will evaluate and tweak, as necessary, for stability.


The source code for version 1.3.2 can be found here:

Windows: The Windows Installer for version 1.3.2 can be found here:

Windows: The Self-Install package for version 1.3.2 (Windows) can be found here:

Mac: The Install DMG for version 1.3.2 (Mac OS) can be found here:

Linux binaries will be released shortly but can still be compiled from source:

Gitian compile instructions for building deterministic verifiable Windows builds for v.1.3.2 can be found here:

Again, this is a mandatory upgrade to client v.1.3.2 because of a hard-fork at block 96000 and older clients will no longer work on the blockchain.
