Voting Client Development Update (Week of March 9, 2015)

We just wanted to share a detailed update on voting client development.
After first providing an overview, this update will describe the alpha-testing progress thus far, list the new features
planned for the next release of the voting client and share information on our voting client developers, the Diremar SW


The first stage of alpha-testing went well and the alpha-testers suggested additional features to make the client more
user friendly, and are planned to be included in the next version of the alpha-testing client, which is scheduled to be
released next week.

As such, the next set of alpha-test voting questions are scheduled for Friday, March 13. After this test, any final bugs
and feature requests will be included in the following version of the client to be tested with the final alpha-test
question soon thereafter.

After the third and final alpha-test voting question is complete, any final revisions, bugs and features will be added to
the Voting Client Release Candidate 1, so that we can officially begin implementing decentralized development through
vanity voting through the blockchain (tentatively scheduled for April/May).

More details on the official implementation of voting will be released sometime in March.

Alpha-testing details

The first stage of alpha-testing of the voting client went well and the first test question was successfully voted on with
results audited and everything worked as expected.

The alpha-testers provided excellent feedback on the client and suggested some user-friendly features to include in the
voting client (see below).

Below, find a list of features slated to be included in the next version of the alpha-testing client and the beta-release version, respectfully.

BTCS Alpha Voting Client v.0.9.0 Feature List
1. Show an overview of the amount of coins used by the end-user for voting on the active question thus far, including a
breakdown of how many coins were used for each voting answer in case the user voted on more than one answer choice.
2. Display date of voting deadline instead of displaying a countdown to the voting deadline.
3. Add message to end of automatic voting dialog box that states voting is complete.

BTCS Beta Voting Client Future versions Feature List
1. Allow clicking of addresses in completed voting questions that hyperlink to the address on the blockchain explorer.
2. Allow closing of results window prior to all data being loaded (error if user closes window before full load).
3. Keep settings in a voter.ini file instead of registry
4. Add tab re log of user’s past votes on the blockchain.

The developers estimate that the next version of the client will be ready Monday, March 9, 2015. Accordingly, the next
test question is slated for next Friday, March 13, 2015 (lucky Friday).

Voting Client Developers – the Diremar SW Agency

Finally, our Developers, the Diremar SW Agency, released their website information that we wanted to share with the

Diremar has done a great job thus far with the client and we have been pleasantly surprised at their ability to take the
specifications of the voting client and quickly incorporate relevant aspects of the blockchain and cryptocoin code. As
such, we vouch for their development abilities and strongly encourage everyone to contact Diremar SW Agency to assist them
with any of their software development needs…**except any needs relating to development of the voting client because
Diremar is under a NDA “non-disclosure agreement” with us regarding development of the voting client 😉